Procedure to claim for Life Insurance?

Insurance is an agreement between insurance company and the insured person. It is important for the insurance holder and his/her nominees to understand the rights and the process of claim so that he and his family is not denied the  benefit at a time it needs the most. This article explains how to claim life insurance.

When should you claim?

A Life Insurance Policy can be claimed if your claim falls in one of the below categories:

  • On maturity of the policy you bought. On completion of term you can renew or withdraw your invested amount.
  • On death of the person on whom policy was issued, if it occurred before maturity of the policy. then his nominees can avail the policy amount on the basis of terms & condition mentioned.

Who will get the claim benefit?

  • On maturity the policyholder gets the lump sum amount.
  • But in case the policyholder dies then his nominees gets the amount so they can stabilize their life and don’t fall into any financial insecurities.

Maturity Claims process:

  • After completion of policy period. The Insurance company sends out a letter informing that on which date the policy money will be paid to the policyholder.
  • But incase you don’t receive any letter from your company, then follow up with your insurance company or agent through whom you bought the policy.
  • The policyholder must submit Discharge Form duly filled with Policy Document.
  • After receiving these two documents post dated cheque is sent by post to policyholder before due date.
  • Few policies like Money Back Policy is paid in intervals to the policyholders. But provided that he/she should do the remaining payment for the premium.
  • In cases where amount payable is less than a fixed amount (In LIC the limit is up to Rs.60,000), cheques are released without receiving Discharge Receipt or Policy Document. However, in case of higher amounts these two requirements are insisted upon.


Death Claims process:

The death claim amount is paid if premiums were paid on time or if insured person dies. Process to claim insurance is as follows:

Inform the Insurer and submit documents required for process as suggested by insurance company you choosed.

Documents required to submit :

  1. Correctly filled claims form with below documents.
  2. Medical attendant’s certificate.
  3. Policy documents.
  4. No objection certificate for all case except for murder.
  5. Discharge vouchers provided by Insurance company with bank passbook to be submitted for crediting the amount into applicant’s account.

Other documents required for different case types :

Natural Death:

  1. Death Certificate(from RBD)
  2. Legal Lawyers Certificate(from Revenue Dept.)

Accidental Death & Murder:

  1. Death Certificate(from RBD)
  2. FIR & Inquest Report
  3. Post mortem Report
  4. Legal Lawyers Certificate(from Revenue Dept.)

Suicidal Death:

  1. Should complete 1 year of Policy.
  2. Death Certificate(from RBD)
  3. FIR & Inquest Report
  4. Post mortem Report
  5. Legal Lawyers Certificate(from Revenue Dept.)

Process after submitting the document:

  • Insurance company may appoint an investigator to invigilate whether the claim and policy is valid.
  • If it is found to be valid, the amount is paid, otherwise a repudiation letter is sent to the claimant, with reason for rejection.
  • If the claim is valid, they must process it without delay. Any query about additional documents shall be raised at once and not in a piecemeal manner, within 15 days from the day of claiming.
  • A claim under a life insurance policy should be paid or be disputed giving all the relevant reasons within 30 days from the date of receiving all relevant papers and other details required.
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