How often you should evaluate your Life Insurance Policy?

Life insurance better if you know it as final expense insurance or assurance to your life needs. Which is sum amount paid by insurer in exchange of premium when the insured person expires or on policies maturity.
Every year once you must mark a day to review your insurance policy.  As its very important to understand your life insurance policy because changes in your life may have impact on policy terms or on your needs. You may have to re-think infact you should re-think everytime you a new life changing decision .

Enlisted below are the life changes, those which can have noteworthy impact:


    • Change in your marital status(Marriage, Divorce or retirement).

      In any of above case which is a life-changing event. The financial responsibility is part of commitment that you take for your spouse. Love is eternal so do expense. Marriage look like pie in the sky but financial commitment you took for your spouse which can start burning holes in your pocket. Sooner you get an insurance less will the premium you have to pay and enjoy your life sanely. Divorce in this case to you must review your insurance policy needs. Just to ensure would you still be benefited if you ex-spouse die or is he the major financial source for you and your children? Before closing policy you may negotiate your to cover the support settlement. Also divide any cash value of your insurance. Still if you think to pursue with the same policy plan then you’ll prolly want to change/remove your ex-spouse from beneficiary.

    • Birth or adoption of a child/grandchild.

      Bringing up a child holds a big responsibility which gets unfold eventually. Financial stability is a prior need to have your child’s life like you dreamt. Increment in the numbers of family member also increments financial strain if you didn’t do proper planning. Godforbid if something happens to you in future which might put your family into a heavy distress. So to make it easy for you and your family have a check on insurance plans you bought and do the needful.

    • Change in employment.

      Progress in your career and increase in your pay should also be considered to recheck on your policy limitations. As having subsequent amount is good have to cover your family’s  financial need if in case you couldn’t be with them. Opting for an insurance policy separately other than what you may have bought as a group term insurance offered by your company. Policy purchased in 20s and 30s will have more benefit , as with age you are more prone to health issues which will become a barrier to get policy or it will be very costly.

    • Notable change in your or your spouse health.

      Splurging on health diagnosis and treatment might get difficult to save your savings and you might possibly fell in short of money to spend your next day. By seeing how well you are and co-relate your investment till date so to analyse how much you need more to fulfil needs of your family and also you.

    • Taking financial responsibility of your parents.

      Increase financial dependency needs bigger money tank so you save enough to live your entire life and also fulfil your dependants needs. Enlarging your premium amount , enlarges your living expense capacity. Check for policies with new conditions and terms which can help you for long run.

    • Buying a new house.

      Congrats on bringing a new house. But is it bothering your living condition? If yes then, its notifying you to boost your life insurance to help you bear all expense and living cost of your family and you. Chiefly , every insurers take records of all your mortgage and debt so to analyse how much you would need to invest in your future.

    • Buying or investing in a business.

      It’s always great to start. But your investment might ruin your living condition for sometime? But you must accelerate your life insurance premium to help you bear all expense and living cost of your family and you. Chiefly every insurers take records of your mortgage and debt so to analyse how much you would need to invest in your future.

    • Paying off your debt.

      When you finish paying all your debts which improves your family’s living condition remarkably and reduces your insurance coverage.

    • Retirement

      Retirement is a time when you have less financial burden. But still to continue living life you lived or cover costs of your dependants if you die. Make check if the group policy you purchased from your company is portable and you may be able to buy continued coverage.

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